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  2. Reference Guides
  3. Arpio Configuration Tag Reference


Specify a value to use in the recovery environment

arpio-config:recovery-value = <text-value>


The value to use when recovering the resource instead of the original, primary environment value.  The value may be any string that is allowed in an AWS tag value for the specified resource.

Supported Resources

  • SSM Parameter


You can use the arpio-config:recovery-value configuration tag to tell Arpio to use a specific text value when it recovers the tagged resource.  Typically, Arpio will be use the value from the primary environment when it recovers a resource, but there may be times when you want it to set a value that's specific to the recovery environment.  In those cases, you can set this configuration tag in the primary environment to make Arpio use the tag's value as the resource value when it's recovered.

Use the arpio-config:translate-id configuration tag to translate SSM Parameter values that match names and identifiers of other resources in your Arpio applications to their appropriate recovery environment values. 

arpio-config:translate-id lets your recovery environment parameters track generated identifiers like EC2 Instance IDs and S3 bucket names (which must be globally unique).

arpio-config:recovery-value can be used when the recovery value is not a name or an identifier of any recovered resource.


Resource Type
Tag Value
SSM Parameter arpio-config:recovery-value mycompany-image-bucket-dr
SSM Parameter arpio-config:recovery-value https://api.us-west-2.partner.com/

These examples show how you can make Arpio set recovered SSM Parameters to new values that are appropriate for the recovery environment.