Using the Arpio web API to get an up-to-date list of supported AWS resource types
You can use the Arpio web API to get a list of the AWS resource types Arpio can protect and recover. This information can be useful in your DR planning processes. The information is structured so it can be used in automation you develop, for example, a script that checks that your resources are correctly tagged for inclusion in your Arpio applications.
The resource type API endpoints do not require authentication. You can access them easily with a web browser, a command-line program like curl, or any HTTPS client.
The JSON response contains a list of resource type objects. Each resource type object defines the name the Arpio API uses to describe the resource, a short description of the type, and an array of AWS Config names for resources that are covered by this resource.
The CSV response contains header row, and one row for each supported resource type. Columns include the name the Arpio API uses to describe the resource, a short description of the type, and a list of AWS Config names for resources that are covered by this resource.